Chosen & Cherished (Week 1… Part 1)

In bold type will be the notes I took in class, and I have added my own thoughts below most of them. Some notes were taken from the instructor and most from a video we watched with Kimberly Hahn.

Always remember you are a daughter of the King!

That was one of the first things said by our teacher and I’m pretty sure everyone wrote this down. I mean, wow! I know that we are all God’s children but I don’t think I’ve ever really quite thought about this before. At least not in a way that spoke to me the way it did that night.

The power lies in the present moment.

Let the past be the past. It is so easy to get bogged down with failures of the past, but really all that does is keep you from becoming better. This course is about the Proverbs 31 Wife, what that means, and how to become her. If we focus too much on our past behavior or shortcomings we may become too discouraged to even try to become a better version of ourselves.

If you don’t have the time to study, pray for it.

When you get so busy that you feel like there is no time to study, pray the Rosary, or spend time in the presence of the Lord … ask Him for it! Pray for the time and you will find it.

Do not let the devil distract you, because he will. He will do whatever he can to make sure you do not go to class, pray, or read the Bible. The devil uses all sorts of things to distract us, even our loved ones.

All I have to say is, that is so true, and we don’t even realize it.

Pray to the Holy Spirit before studying, let Him help you.

Praying to the Holy Spirit before reading is something I do anytime I open up my Bible and The Imitation    of Christ. Let Him guide you and open your heart and soul to a new understanding of words read before, and He will also help you to understand what you might not otherwise have seen as important.

How do you want to be known by others? As a gossiper? An immodest woman? When you enter a room do people feel the presence of the Lord?

Nobody wants to be known by others in a negative way, but often times that’s what we are putting out there by our behavior. Think of what people would see in us if our demeanor, our speech, and the way we dressed was all done with God in mind. Would He approve of this? Would He be glad in our choices? When I think about that I feel like the most imperfect, least holy person in the whole world … but tomorrow’s another day, and we can always do better.

Chosen and Cherished

Last night I, along with my best friend, her mom and her friend attended a course called Chosen and Cherished which is also a book written by Kimberly Hahn. This course focuses on Proverbs 31, and while I was excited to go I realized the morning of, just before Mass, that I had still not even read Proverbs 31. Well thanks to my very handy Catholic Bible app I was able to read it right then, and out loud to my husband. The first thing I said to him when I had finished was,”wow, that’s a lot of pressure”. But instead of being scared by it I wanted to learn more. I felt at that moment that I absolutely needed to take part in that course last night and that it was going to change my life.

I took a lot of notes last night but not as much I wanted to, I just don’t write that fast. But I believe I got everything that really spoke to me. I like to take notes on loose paper because of my sloppy writing, but also because I don’t get everything down. So today I am starting to go over my notes and copy them into a journal, that way I can add more detail and maybe some of my own thoughts and prayer’s.

Now I am still organizing and copying, but I would like to share some of my notes with you after each course as a part of my journey. I believe it will be completed in 7 weeks.

I hope you will join me.

God Bless


My Favorite Meatballs

We had such a nice dinner tonight.  I made homemade meatballs with linguini (not homemade) and my brother came over too, which is always great.  The discussions the 3 of us have are so very interesting and sometimes pretty heated, but we still have a good time.

Anyhow, dinner was great!!  Recipe is below…

Oh ya, thank you SWEETIE for the flowers!!!



Italian Meatball Recipe:

1 pound Lean Ground Beef

1 pound Italian Sausage

1/4 cup Parmesan Cheese

1 Large Egg (slightly beaten)

1/2 cup Italian Breadcrumbs

2 tablespoons Minced Garlic

2 teaspoons Salt

1 teaspoon Black Pepper

1/2 cup Milk

1 teaspoon Dried Oregano

2 teaspoons Dried Parsley

Cooking Instructions:

Mix all ingredients together.  Shape mixture into medium sized meatballs.

You can cook 2 ways…

1. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees, place meatballs on baking sheet.  Put meatballs in the oven for 25 minutes.

2. (MY FAVORITE) Simmer the meatballs in pasta sauce for at least 40-60 minutes.  Sometimes I let them simmer for a couple of hours and they do taste better.


get-attachment.aspxOn June 21st my mom passed away.

A lot had happened since my last post about my mom. In mid April while at the nursing home my mom’s heart stopped. When the nursing staff discovered this they tried CPR and called an ambulance, they were able to get her heart started again, but by that time she had gone at least 30 minutes without oxygen to her brain.

I was the one who found out about the lack of oxygen first, as soon as I heard that I knew, and it was devastating.

She was left with severe brain damage. We were told she would not improve at all. She would not make eye contact, speak, or even be aware of what is going on, and I knew that was true.

She looked so bad the first few days, like she was already deteriorating, it was really hard to see her that way.

Once 4 days passed and all the appropriate tests were done I knew it was time to make a decision, but talking about that with my brother was hard to do. I had to be the one to tell him everything, all the details when it first happened. At first he fell apart, but he kept hoping and believing that the doctors could be wrong, and I envied that. He did not want to even think about it being the end for her, or talk about it, at all, with anyone.

On day 6 Tim (brother) and I had a talk and I told him it was time, we had to take her off the ventilator, and even though he protested, eventually we agreed. Our older sis (Ruth) agreed too.

How I knew it was time…I knew based on the length of time my mom had gone without oxygen before they revived her that she was not going to get any better. It was devastating for me, but I knew she would not want to be kept that way. Unlike when my mom had her stroke I wasn’t scared for her, I knew that she had made her piece with God and came back to the Church, so I felt like it was her time and God was just waiting for her to be ready, and if she was ready she would go, but if she was meant to remain with us she would hang on.

On day 7 my mom was taken off the ventilator. In the room was me, Paul (my husband), Tim, Ruth, Jack (Ruth’s husband), and Russell (my cousin).

I felt so sick to my stomach. Even though Ruth is older I have been the one making the decisions and taking care of things since my moms stroke, and I was the one who really made this final decision. Besides dealing with the fact that I was losing my mom, and would never speak to her again, or see her smile, Tim was the one I was truly worried about, I sort of pushed him into this, he wasn’t ready to let go. I was terrified that if she did die he would blame me, that he would think I killed her because we took her off the vent prematurely. He is 15 months younger than me and was my best friend our entire childhood, and though it may seem not as close now, deep down we are, and I was afraid of losing that too!

My mom sounded pretty bad for a while (but didn’t look as bad as earlier in the week), we felt like she would pass at any moment, but she didn’t. My mom hung on.

It wasn’t until 2 months later that my mom passed away.

I won’t go into the details of those 2 months, but they were hard. I went to see my mom often to brush her hair, make sure she was well taken care of, and talk to her. After a month I started to feel like I already mourned the loss of my mom and that I would be okay once she was gone.

I could not have been more wrong. The finality of her not coming back, knowing I’ll never hear her voice again, ever, has finally hit me, and it’s killing me.

My husband helped me write a mini bio about my mom to give to the Priest for the funeral, and Tim and I also wrote our own things down we wanted him to know about her. I brought copies of them with me so that if the Priest didn’t use all of the info (I knew he wouldn’t, but he did a great job!) I would read them aloud as her eulogy. I did end up ready them, at first I didn’t think I’d get through it, but I did. When I finished and went to sit next to my brother he said “thank you”, that was a sweet moment for me.

Here is what we wrote…

From Me:

It was really important to my mom to be able to look at the world as if seeing it through the eyes of a 5 year old. She loved all things that brought a smile to someone’s face and she especially expressed that in her decorating style. It was Christmas all year in my mom’s house…well in the living room. There was always a place for princesses and Harry Potter too.

When we were younger there were times when we didn’t have a lot and my mom knew exactly what to do so we wouldn’t notice. We always had just a few treats, and every few months she would come home with caviar (cheap caviar), cream cheese and Ritz cracker’s. That of course was my mom’s way of exposing us to new things, which was really important to her.

My mom was very loving and nurturing and loving with us. All three of us had a special song she sang at night and we still remember her bedtime stories.

My mom really loved her children, she always had a great sense of you we are individually, and because of this she was able to understand our idiosyncrasies and accept them lovingly.

She also accepted our friends as her own, and I know she left an impact on many of their lives.

As we grew older and faced difficult times my mom was always a source of comfort. We never had to discuss anything, she just let us be in her presence and that would make us feel better.

From Tim:

My mom was a very intelligent woman. She always seemed to know the answer to everything. I remember growing up watching Jeopardy she always knew the answers before everyone and she was rarely ever wrong. I will always miss her wisdom, knowledge, and advice.

She was also a very loving person, she was always trying to help others. Even though she didn’t have anything she tried to find a way to help. Growing up with her she was always trying to teach us to see the good in people, and never to be unkind or say unkind things. She instilled this in us in a way that really did stick. She never judged a book by it’s cover, and if you did she would confront you about it, didn’t matter how well she knew you either.

My mom was very cultured, a result of traveling so much as a child with her parents. Her dad was transferred all over for work. When we were kids she exposed us to things like opera, musicals, old movies, all different types of food, etc… Providing us with a appreciation for everything was very important to her. She was always teaching us, even we we didn’t know it, that was one of my favorite things about her. Sometimes our friends would look at us weird, I would just tell them that’s just how she is, and our friends all ended up loving that about her too.

Bridal Shower

Last weekend I hosted a bridal shower for my BFF Jennifer. I was really nervous about it, but it turned out great.

Jennifer does so much for other people and it felt good to do something nice for her.

The wedding is next weekend and I couldn’t be more excited for her. Jennifer & Miguel are very blessed to have found each other.

Here are some pics from the shower.

Me & Jennifer

Me & Jennifer

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Recipes for a Happy Marriage!!

Recipes for a Happy Marriage!!

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Morning Boost

Busy doing Saturday chores, but had to share. This pineapple was the perfect little boost we needed to get started this morning.

Hope everyone has a GREAT weekend!!


Special Delivery

On Tuesday our new sofa, rug, and tables were delivered, it was an exciting day!

I was really nervous about how it was going to look, because you just don’t know until you see it, well I don’t. Anyhow, I love it! The colors are cozy and pleasant, and it just looks and feels comfortable, which is what I was going for.

I can finally start adding more accents/color to the room. I’m not in a huge rush though, I’m going to take my time so I do things right. The drapes on the windows came with the house and will eventually change, but for now they work just fine. I am most excited about the rug though, it’s very pretty.

We are blessed!

Before Pics


After Pics

This one is Paul getting ready to put a cover on the couch until we train the pups not to eat their bones on it. That is something we didn’t think of before and it left residue on our last sofa.

Pope Francis

Like most people, I knew nothing about Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio until he became Pope Francis, but so far I like what I’ve heard, especially from the man himself.

I believe Pope Francis may turn out to be just what we need, based on what I know so far.

Pope Benedict XVI did a great job, and I will miss him, but I truly feel he made the right call in retiring if his health is so bad that he was having trouble getting things done. But I do believe he got a lot done. From what I could tell Pope Benedict XVI accomplished a lot in bringing the Church back to it’s traditional roots. It is happening, and it’s a great thing. It’s just happening slowly, and quietly.

One thing that really draws me to Pope Francis is that he speaks so clearly and to the point, but with humility. He is a very well-educated man, yet so easy to understand, which will help him be very effective. Most importantly he does not waver on moral issues and is already known for speaking about those issues publicly.

The Catholic Church needs a Pope who will speak about immorality and the beauty of truly living out our Catholic faith, but in a way that people can understand and relate to. I believe Pope Francis can do that. Too many Catholics are not really practicing their faith, yet they still receive communion, and think nothing of it. Or they have fallen away from the Church because they never really understood their faith and don’t feel it’s a big deal that they left, etc.  Sad.

We need a Pope that will bring people back to the faith, and live it faithfully.

Pope Francis, my prayers are with you!!

Reading to Mom

Everyday when I visit my mom I have to read her The Daily Chronicle, which is a paper handed out by the rehab facility. It is one of the few things she has to look forward to each day (besides seeing me of course, hehe). On the rare occasion I don’t make it in the nurses try to read it to her and she refuses “no thanks, just put it in the drawer til Molly gets here”, lol, she really is cute!

Anyhow, TDC is only one page so when it’s done we usually talk, but yesterday I couldn’t think of much to say so I asked her if she wanted me to read my first blog post to her, she got excited, and she said she loved it. I actually cried while reading the last part and she cried too. It was an emotional moment.

Today she asked if I had anything new on the blog to read, so now she has another thing to look forward to, well I look forward to it too!!

Love my mom!

Last Saturday

Paul and I finally went for a walk in the new neighborhood. We have been wanting to do that since moving in, but finding time has been rough. Anyhow, we had a great time!!

The pups did not get to go along since we walked through the park behind our house, through another neighborhood, and to the pier to have lunch. They would not have made such a long walk, both ways.

The sun was shinning, sky was clear and blue, and the temperature was perfect. We couldn’t have asked for a better day. Oh, wait, just one thing, I wish my allergies didn’t flare up, which they tend to do when seasons change. Even though it was a much-needed outing just enjoying each others company.

I took some shots with my phone.

Just starting out

Just starting out

My handsome guy

My handsome guy

Through the park

Through the park

Blue skies

Blue skies

Made it downtown

Made it downtown





Local bakery :)

Local bakery 🙂





Pretty flowers on the way home

Pretty flowers on the way home

Oh ya, a shot of the water.  Sorry, that's the best picture I got that day.

Oh ya, a shot of the water. Sorry, that’s the best picture I got that day.